Announcing our merger with the
Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center!
We are excited to share the news of the upcoming merger between SEEDS and the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center (PCRC) that will bring our two long-standing organizations together. We know that our soon to be combined talent and resources will bring conflict transformation and restorative practices further and deeper than ever before. The future has called and we have responded!
PCRC and SEEDS both grow from deep community roots. Each organization has been a conflict transformation leader in our respective counties for more than 40 years. We grew and collaborated alongside one another as sibling organizations, each expanding in new ways.
In 2021, SEEDS' and PCRC’s Executive Directors started meeting regularly to share insights and deepen years of collaboration. We observed the changing landscape of our communities, our society and the nonprofit field. We overcame complex challenges and celebrated timely successes. We experienced the shifting expectations of the workforce and the continually increased requests for our services regionally and nationally. As the needs of our communities grew and changed we saw an opportunity to combine the unique and overlapping brilliance of each organization into one robust, creative and thriving regional organization.
To SEEDS and PCRC this union felt inevitable given our shared values and unique strengths. PCRC is nationally celebrated for community engagement strategies, has launched innovative programs in the Pacific Islander community and partnered with institutions to create incredible change. SEEDS is a premier national training organization, a leader in designing workplace effectiveness and transforming schools across the country into restorative places. This year, we will merge to become one regional conflict transformation and restorative practices organization that is all of the above with the promise of becoming so much more.
Since this vision was born from the needs of the work, the field, and the community, it stands to only strengthen our programming and increase our quality and reach. As a combined organization our commitment will remain to you, our community and the people that our customized programming serves. Above all, we want you to know that the unwavering commitment you’ve experienced from SEEDS for the past 40 years is stronger than ever.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
In partnership,

Malissa Netane-Jones, AddieRose Mayer and
the Boards of Directors of SEEDS & PCRC
We are so excited that our work for the community can continue through our merger.
Consider making a gift to SEEDS as we go down this historic path.
Thank you for being part of our community!